The Revolution
The application of innovative and sustainable tokenomics based on multiple NFT, aims to create the basis for a new way of life for users. The possibilities offered by the Blockchain to the NFT themselves, are incredible and if implemented for the purpose of innovating an industry such as traditional Gaming, importing concepts such as "I can play, have fun, socialize and at the same time earn" can determine a point of no return, the famous breakpoint from which there is no turning back because it would not make sense. All this can be a real revolutionary factor if it is then developed with proper criteria, with some quality and passion, simplified and made accessible. So, in a nutshell, it is accessible for people who do not yet have the skills and knowledge to access it. For us at Zoppel Universe, the process starts with translating and simplifying what Blockchain is or what NFT can do, through moving from theory to practice, to actual application. Our game ecosystem is unique and engaging because it is based on the use of multiple NFT from one large context, Zoppel, and with different levels of carat and circulation, of different qualities, and which are the access to our Universe; these will also be the means for monetization, the exchange within the game.
But there's more: the simple but effective concept of exclusivity, or access to a community, through that particular NFT (which tomorrow will be access to a Zoppel event or a concert, because one of the real, incredible strengths that NFT technology can solve is that of digital art ownership; from Napster to now we've already experienced one revolution, and from now to the near future we're going to see another. And this will be reflected both on the end user, collector or viewer, and on the artist and companies. So yes, of all these digital objects people will be the unique, certified owners, and the blockchain in a totally autonomous and decentralized way allows them, yes, to exchange them, but more importantly to protect them and take them anywhere in the world. And also to use them, which will become invaluable when there are more Blockchain products on the market.
More examples of concrete and innovative uses of NFT can be given, but the basic concept is only one. What we have seen so far is only a small part, certainly an important one: artistic NFT and collections, though the subject of unbridled speculation, have certainly been something incredible, but it is impossible to stop there: if we imagine NFT as a box, we have two foundational elements, the content and the container.
The smart contract, this infamous code, is the twin of what content is, and regardless of the latter, which may be beautiful or ugly, a video or a lullaby, it is the absolute protagonist of the future.
Together these elements constitute the soul of NFTs, and experimentation with their possible applications is almost magic.
For example, Zoppel Universe's NFTs, will make it possible to reach anyone, anywhere, and with something that absolutely has the same intrinsic economic value for everyone in any part of the world, regardless of the obvious differences, geographic, economic and cultural, which of course then affect and influence what can be enjoyed with that asset specifically in relation to the context. This, however, is one of the things that we are most proud of and believe in the most and that can become something like a real revolution, that would be the real revolution. A commodity that has the same absolute value, regardless of the purchasing power it may wield, within the reach of everyone, therefore accessible and usable in an artistic and constructive context, easily exchangeable in an integrated system with gaming and powered by the Internet and its evolution the Web3.0.
This is the Zoppel Universe's most fascinating challenge.
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