The circle of the four elements:

Game: Nfts ← PLAYER → Resources

The player buys NfToken and other development resources directly from the community, then from the Zoppel Universe platform marketplace.

Player ------> Zop Nftoken

The player is incentivized to hold Nfts and resources such as Zop NfToken to access different levels of Premiership and exclusive benefits.

Zop NfToken -------> Player

The player buys in-game Nfts of different types, from characters to collections to Skins, Weapons or music, directly from the community for research, development, customization or collection.

Player ---> NFTS

Player sells directly from the community everything he/she extracts from the game, from redundant ZOP NfToken, to game Nfts of different types, from characters, to collections up to Skins, Weapons or music, or fragments of Nfts.

NFTs ---> Player

Player gets ZOP NfToken from the multiple game modes.

Game-> Zop NfToken -------> Player

Player gets resources and Nfts from the multiple game modes.

Game-> NFTs -------> Player

Player spends resources and ZOP NfToken on research and development.

Zop NfToken ---> NFTs ----> Player

Full game experience, needs user activities: advancing in the game and competing with other players requires research and development. Research and Development, customizing and collection require the use of ZOP NfToken, or other nft resources, creating demand and scarcity for the market.

Game ---- > ZOP NfToken ---- > NFTS --- > Players

Last updated